

"Soon, the only way to reach Richard will be by bird." - Ginge, 2021

If you want to contact me for any reason, please feel free to use any of the methods below.

My preferred means of communication.

Matrix: @rrogalski:rrogal.ski
 Matrix is a fairly new protocol for messaging. You can use an app on your phone/pc or just use it in a website. You'll like it, trust me :). If you want more convincing, I wrote a lil argumentative essay here. If you want to message me I wrote some dead simple instructions for using Matrix here!
E-mail: rrogalski [AT] tutanota [DOT] com
 Cmon, you really think I believe you don't know what an email is? :D

Other means of communication. I may check these rarely, or these may use an unreliable/buggy bridge. If you can't reach me with these, try one of my preferred methods.

Discord: rrogalski#3180
 This is a discord bot account I have bridged to matrix. You can add me to a discord "server" you have admin in by clicking here. I have a second account that's semi-bridged to matrix but not a discord-bot, rrogalski#2193.
* Snapchat: TODO
* GNU Jami: TODO